Showing posts with label William Loren Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Loren Smith. Show all posts

William Loren Smith

First, there was Yo-Yo's for cops. Now there is "Boxes for William Loren Smith"! As mentioned in the above post our little angry clown fought the Nevada taxman and the bank for 2.5 years to keep his home. Sadly, the Family of Freeloaders- failed. racked up another judgment, this time totaling $276,447.04.

Our little financial genius with his previous foreclosure, Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and another judgment is going to need a little help to ease the pain of his family being homeless. 

Although, it's not possible to eat Yo-Yo's and the extra money did help with legal bills, but now all their legal foreclosure delays have been exhausted and their little home goes to auction.

So we thought we'd get the jump and help aid in Mr Pheer and failed financial family life and ask all of you to send boxes to:

We understand with 2 home foreclosures, chapter 7, and hundreds of thousands dollar civil judgments this all must be a waste of time? ..Well you might want to send VERY big boxes (double as a park condo) like did because this is our little angry blogging future.